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EXT. day. Industrial wasteland - empty street


Newsreader VO

Fertility rates fall. Fears for the future of humanity rise. (pause)

Scientists confirm that humanity hangs in the balance because of the bacterial infection Chlamydia.


The Government warns that this STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) has lead to a STC (Sexually Transmitted Catastrophe).

Shots of depopulated Haringey streets and empty baby cots/child beds.

Scrolling banner. "scientists confirm: chlamydia destroying our future. infertility to cause population

decline of 63% by 2069"

Scrolling sidebar. "chlamydia is often symptomless but symptoms might include discharge, pain around the pelvic regions and if left untreated infertility.

Int.(?) day. future classroom (poss 2069)

Teacher/educational presenter

... and that is bacteria under a microscope

Shot of bacteria under microscope as camera pulls back from holographic image to reveal teacher/educational presenter.

Teacher/Educator Presenter 

As you can imagine, the Government was responsible for this disaster as it totally failed to provide

services to allow people to monitor their own sexual health.

Camera pulls further back in same plane to reveal a student.

Sudent #1

You are wrong!

Teacher / Educator Presenter 


Student #1

I researched this. Here. Look.

Student #1 pulls out a remote device and points it towards hologram area.

Student  #1 VO

In Haringey people had free and confidential clinics for tests, advice and contraception.

Student #1 uses a remote device to change the hologram to images of Haringey clinics with

waving/happy staff, and test kits/leaflets. Images have vintage feel.

Shot as camera pulls back in the same place as before to reveal student #2

Student #2

Well it's all too late now. Isn't it!

Shot as camera pulls back in the same place as before student #2 shrugs shoulder and looks around at a near empty classroom.

Shot merges with dystopian Haringey as web links to sexual health services appear on screen.


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